Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Texas

The Ranch at Dove Tree is a dual diagnosis treatment center in Texas offering multiple levels of care to clients ages 18 and up.

What is a Dual Diagnosis?

A dual diagnosis, also known as a co-occurring disorders, refers to the presence of two or more distinct medical or psychological conditions occurring simultaneously in an individual. In the context of mental health and addiction, a dual diagnosis typically involves the coexistence of a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder. This combination can complicate diagnosis, treatment, and recovery, as the presence of one disorder can influence the course and impact of the other.

According to national statistics, individuals who struggle with chemical dependencies, whether drugs or alcohol, are more than twice as likely to have mood or anxiety disorders as compared to the general population. Research shows that relapse is much more likely when addiction therapy addresses the mental health problem separately instead of simultaneously. At Dove Tree, we provide concurrent treatment of our client’s complex problems. Our co-occurring disorders treatment uses the most current best practices and evidence-based therapies. This allows us to better serve the dual diagnosis needs of each client we serve.

Why Choose a Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center in Texas

Dove Tree’s dual diagnosis treatment center in Texas is highly respected for utilizing a 12-step recovery model combined with science-based holistic addiction treatment. Our innovative framework allows the client to work closely with their primary team to meet their personal treatment needs.

  • Treatment Complexity: Treating individuals with a dual diagnosis requires a comprehensive and integrated approach. Effective treatment involves addressing both disorders simultaneously, as well as understanding how they interact.
  • Integrated Treatment: Integrated treatment involves coordinated care from mental health professionals and addiction specialists. Therapy, medication, support groups, and lifestyle changes may all be part of the treatment plan.

In addition to chemical dependencies, other addictions may complicate a person’s history of destructive behaviors. These can include shopping, gambling, sex, or internet addictions. The Ranch at Dove Tree hires only the best-licensed counselors at our dual diagnosis treatment center. We have therapists with specialized training and experience in working with all types of addictions, along with many types of mental health problems, including:

  • Anxiety: Common anxiety symptoms include: Excessive Worrying, Restlessness, Irritability, Muscle Tension, Panic Attacks.
  • Depression: Common depression symptoms include: Lack of Motivation, Hopelessness, Changes in Appetite or Weight, Persistent Sadness.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Common PTSD symptoms include: Flashbacks, Nightmares, Intrusive Thoughts, Hypervigilance.
  • Bipolar disorder: Common bipolar symptoms include: Depressive Episodes, Manic or Hypomanic Episodes.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): Common bipolar symptoms include: cleaning and washing compulsions, counting compulsions, intrusive thoughts, contamination obsessions
  • Borderline personality disorder (BPD): Common BPD symptoms include: fear of abandonment, emotional instability, Identity Disturbance, difficulty regulating emotions.
  • Phobias and social anxiety issues: Common phobia symptoms may include: Avoidance of Social Situations, Excessive Self-Consciousness, Anticipatory Anxiety, Performance Anxiety.
  • Eating disorders such as: Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder.
  • Trauma-related issues: Common phobia symptoms may include: childhood trauma, Emotional and psychological trauma, traumatic loss.
  • Self-harm behaviors: Common examples of self-harm behavior may include: cutting or scratching, burning, biting, hair pulling, head banging, excessive tattooing or piercing.

With a dual diagnosis, improvement of each individual issue is not always uniform. Clients in our residential treatment center often experience this as they learn to understand underlying problems that may have led to, or were worsened by, chemical dependencies. A drug addiction treatment center must provide a flexible plan of care to help clients achieve optimal recovery and not fall into a “one size fits all” approach. Our treatment team collaborates frequently, making appropriate adjustments to a client’s care plan, including dual diagnosis needs.

Holistic Co-Occurring Disorder Treatment

At The Ranch at Dove Tree, clients who need co-occurring disorder treatment will have a strong multidisciplinary team on their side. Because simultaneous addiction therapy is vital for both the substance use and any associated mental health issues, all levels of care have an integrated dual diagnosis treatment focus.

A combination of behavioral therapies, alongside medications and 12-step work, are used to effectively address co-occurring disorders. On admission to The Ranch at Dove Tree, each person is evaluated for dual diagnosis issues. Some clients with a substance use problem have never been formally diagnosed with anxiety or depression. Having these mental health issues treated is a critical part of long-term recovery.

Co-Occurring Disorder Treatment: Eating Disorders and Substance Use

At Ranch at Dove Tree, we understand co-occurring eating disorders and substance use disorders present complex challenges and require a specialized and integrated approach to assessment and treatment. We provide supplemental services to clients who come to us with a chemical dependency issue along with an eating disorder or disordered eating behaviors.

Types of Eating Disorders and Substance use disorders:

  1. Anorexia Nervosa and Substance Use Disorder: Anorexia involves severe restrictions on food intake and an intense fear of gaining weight. Individuals with anorexia may misuse substances to suppress appetite or enhance energy. Stimulant drugs might be used for their appetite-suppressing effects.
  2. Bulimia Nervosa and Substance Use Disorder: Bulimia involves cycles of binge eating followed by purging behaviors. Individuals with bulimia may misuse substances to manage emotions related to their binge-purge episodes.
  3. Binge Eating Disorder and Substance Use Disorder: People with binge eating disorder frequently consume large amounts of food in a short period and often experience distress afterward. Substances may be used as a way to cope with the emotional aftermath.

Here are some important points to consider when addressing co-occurring eating disorders and substance use disorders:

  • Shared Risk Factors: Both eating disorders and substance use disorders can be influenced by common risk factors, such as genetics, underlying mental health issues, trauma, low self-esteem, and societal pressures.
  • Bidirectional Relationship: The relationship between eating disorders and substance use can be bidirectional. Some individuals with eating disorders may use substances to control their weight or suppress appetite, while others might develop an eating disorder as a result of substance use disrupting their eating patterns.
  • Escaping Emotions: Individuals with co-occurring disorders may use substances to cope with the emotional distress and self-esteem issues associated with their eating disorder. Conversely, eating disorder behaviors may be used as a way to manage the effects of substance use.
  • Interconnected Treatment: Effective treatment should address both the eating disorder and the substance use disorder simultaneously. Treating one condition without addressing the other can lead to incomplete recovery and a higher risk of relapse.
  • Supportive Environment: Creating a supportive and non-judgmental environment is crucial for individuals with co-occurring disorders. Family, friends, and peers should be educated about the challenges and needs of the individual.
  • Long-Term Recovery: Recovery from co-occurring eating disorders and substance use disorders is a long-term process that requires ongoing commitment, support, and monitoring.

In instances, when the eating disorder is much more acute than the substance use problem. In these cases, a client will be referred to a specialized eating disorder treatment center. If you or someone you know is dealing with a co-occurring eating disorder and substance use disorder, it is recommended to seek help from professionals who specialize in dual diagnosis treatment. An integrated approach that addresses the unique complexities of both conditions can greatly improve the chances of successful recovery and improved quality of life. Call us today, 806.307.2003  Help is available 24/7. 

Trauma & Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center in Texas

At the Ranch at Dove Tree, we recognize the deep role trauma plays in ‘self-medicating’ with drugs or alcohol. We believe, and research supports, the fact that unresolved trauma fuels addictions and exacerbates emotional pain. Trauma can have a profound impact on a person’s well-being and can often contribute to the development of other psychological challenges, including substance use disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and more.

Here are a few types of trauma that can be linked to substance use disorders:

  • Physical Trauma: This includes injuries, accidents, physical abuse, or other forms of harm to the body. Individuals who have experienced physical trauma might turn to substances as a way to manage pain, alleviate discomfort, or escape from the memory of the trauma.
  • Sexual Trauma: Sexual abuse, assault, or other forms of sexual violence can lead to profound emotional distress. Substance abuse might be used to numb the emotional pain or as a way to cope with the feelings of shame, guilt, or powerlessness associated with sexual trauma.
  • Emotional and Psychological Trauma: Emotional trauma can result from experiences such as verbal abuse, emotional neglect, or witnessing traumatic events. Individuals with emotional trauma may turn to substances to self-medicate and manage overwhelming emotions.
  • Childhood Trauma: Traumatic experiences during childhood, such as neglect, abuse, or the loss of a caregiver, can have long-lasting effects. Substance abuse might develop as a means of coping with the emotional scars from childhood trauma.
  • Traumatic Loss: The sudden death of a loved one, especially in traumatic circumstances, can lead to intense grief and trauma. Substance use might be employed to numb the pain of loss or cope with the associated emotions.
  • Combat and War Trauma: Military veterans who have experienced combat or traumatic events during their service might turn to substances as a way to manage symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health issues.
  • Natural Disasters and Accidents: Survivors of natural disasters, accidents, or other traumatic events might use substances to alleviate anxiety, panic, or other distressing emotions triggered by reminders of the trauma.
  • Complex Trauma: This refers to multiple and repeated traumatic experiences over a prolonged period, often in interpersonal relationships. Complex trauma can lead to difficulties in regulating emotions and coping with stress, increasing the risk of substance abuse.

Here are some key considerations and approaches in trauma and co-occurring disorder treatment:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: Treatment begins with a thorough assessment of the individual’s history, trauma experiences, substance use patterns, mental health symptoms, and other relevant factors. This helps to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses the specific needs of the individual.
  2. Trauma-Informed Care: Trauma-informed care is an approach that recognizes the prevalence of trauma, understands its effects, and seeks to create a safe and supportive environment for healing. This approach emphasizes sensitivity to trauma triggers and avoids re-traumatization.
  3. Holistic Approaches: Holistic interventions such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, art therapy, and recreation therapy can complement traditional therapies and promote overall well-being.
  4. Aftercare Planning: Developing a comprehensive aftercare plan is crucial for maintaining progress after formal treatment. This may include ongoing therapy, support groups, relapse prevention strategies, and other resources.
  5. Long-Term Healing: Recovery from trauma and dual diagnosis is a gradual process that requires time and commitment. It’s important to recognize that healing may involve setbacks, but with appropriate support and treatment, individuals can work towards a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Our specialized trauma resolution therapies support the overall recovery of our clients who have experienced deep suffering from past traumas. There is a reason why we are successful and why our clients are satisfied with the quality and outcomes of their treatment. If you or someone you know is dealing with trauma and a co-occurring disorder, seeking help from qualified professionals is essential for achieving meaningful recovery and healing.

the ranch at dove tree - Substance Abuse Treatment Near Odessa - alcohol and drug treatment center in lubbock, texas

To find out more about Dove Tree’s Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Texas, call and speak with someone today at 806.307.2003. We look forward to helping you begin your journey to a life of freedom and peace. Call today!