Addiction Treatment & Counseling Professionals
At The Ranch at Dove Tree, we understand that you want the best addiction treatment and counseling support for your clients and their families.
24/7 Help Available
The admission process begins with a telephone call. For your convenience, The Ranch at Dove Tree offers admissions counselors who are available 24/7 to help in managing a family crisis. We welcome your call anytime at 806.307.2003. View our Admission Process.
An intake screening can be completed over the telephone, followed by a series of medical and clinical assessments during the first week of admission. The admissions process also includes insurance verification of benefits and coordination of finances.
Most Major Insurance Accepted
Note: We are an in-network provider with most private commercial insurance and offer an affordable private pay rate. Due to the complexity of addictions and disorders, the screenings cover medical issues, disorder symptoms, substance use symptoms, education/vocation, social/familial/risk behaviors, legal issues, and psychological issues. Upon the intake/admissions process, we request a Release of Information (ROI) be completed to obtain history and current issues and goals along with related labs, testing, and other medical records.
Continuum of Care at Ranch at Dove Tree
The Ranch at Dove Tree is committed to having ongoing communication with all community professionals. With the ROI in place, our Referral Relations Coordinator will initiate communication with you and provide ongoing clinical updates to you as requested throughout treatment as well as the recovery resiliency and protection plan (discharge plan) upon discharge. We offer a continuum of care and encourage ongoing alumni activities as well.
We appreciate the opportunity to work together when you entrust your client’s care to our team of passionate, caring, licensed professionals. Our marketing team will readily provide essential program materials to you and your colleagues and can coordinate a site visit. Below are the answers to two commonly asked questions. For further questions, please contact our Admissions Team.
Here is a quick snapshot of the many levels of care that we provide at The Ranch at Dove Tree:
- Detox services-safe detox using best practice protocols, including a medically supervised five-bed detox unit for more complicated detox needs
- Residential Treatment-our alcohol and drug treatment center provides traditional care for both men and women (generally ages 26 and older)
- Partial Care Program-for clients who don’t require 24-hour supervision
- Transitional Living-gender specific programs that support recovery in a sober living environment while supporting participants as they return to work or school commitments
- Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)-for clients who are more autonomous and secure in their recovery resiliency, but still need several hours of treatment support each week
What are the sizes of your programs?
The Ranch at Dove Tree’s program offers a safe environment, serving a maximum of 56 residential clients at any given time. The high on-site staff to client ratio offers individualized addiction care through the entire stay.