Steps to Make Rehab More Affordable

paying for rehab, the word 'unaffordable' with the 'un' crossed out

If you are in the process of fighting addiction, or if you are about to start, you’ve probably considered a residential treatment program.

The benefits of full-time treatment are clear: support from medical professionals, a safe environment, a break from the stressors, and people who may have contributed to your addiction. But rehab, like any other medical treatment, comes with a financial cost.

You may be ready to commit to a rehab program but worry that your family’s finances can not support full-time treatment. The truth is that treating your addiction is an investment in your future, with big returns. Achieving sobriety can save you thousands of dollars that you would have spent on drugs or alcohol, losing a job, legal costs, or medical expenses for conditions caused by your substance abuse.

Fortunately, paying for rehab does not have to break the bank. There are actually many options that you may not know about to help you pay for addiction recovery programs:

  1. Your insurance: The Affordable Care Act requires that all companies offer a policy with mental health and substance abuse coverage–and that the co-pays for those services are not more than for other medical treatment. If you have a policy, call your insurance company to talk about your options.
    • If you don’t have insurance, you can sign up for a plan on the healthcare exchange.
  2. Your own savings: Again, choosing rehab is an investment in your future. If you have been putting away money for future plans, now is the time to invest in your health, relationships, and productivity. Oftentimes, it is possible to borrow some money from retirement accounts or life insurance policies as well.
  3. Ask for help, and plan to repay loans: Swallow your pride–your friends and family want you to get well, too. Leaning on them for support now can enable you to regain control of your life, continue to develop your personal relationships, and become stable enough to pay them back in the future.
  4. Tax Deductions: If your total medical expenses for the year are more than 10% of your income, you can deduct all the additional expenses from your taxes. This is a way to save some money down the road after you’ve completed your rehab process.
  5. Scholarships: There are organizations that offer scholarships to help individuals who are serious about getting sober get medical treatment. The Sobriety Optimization League is a great resource for this.

Cost should not get in the way of building your future. Use the many resources that are available to help get the treatment you need.

the ranch at dove tree - drug and alcohol treatment center in lubbock, texas

To learn more about our programs at Ranch at Dove Tree, please contact us today at 806.307.2003.