The Value of Having a Routine in Addiction Recovery

Do you have a daily routine? Most people do the same basic steps when getting up in the morning, perhaps going to the restroom, brushing their teeth, and getting dressed. Steps like this you don’t think much about, but they help you get the simple things done.

A person in addiction recovery can benefit from having a routine that expands throughout the day. Routines allow for a predictable, expected level of activity throughout the day.

That’s not to say you have to structure out every minute of your day. However, having a structure to your day helps you avoid falling back into habits you’ve worked hard to escape.

The Benefits of Having a Routine in Addiction Recovery

While you’re utilizing our residential treatment for addiction in Lubbock, you’ll navigate your care through a structured routine each day. We do the same activities each day, and that tight schedule helps form a new normal. Why is this so important?

1. Establish a New Normal

Routines give you an expected path through the day. This new routine will become a security blanket, providing you with a sense of expectation and normalcy.

That’s so important when you consider the turmoil and overwhelming changes addiction causes. Creating that “new normal” takes time. Research indicates it takes several weeks up to a couple of months to form a new habit. Once that happens, your brain has a level of expectation that helps you navigate the day with less stress.

2. Improved Stress Management

Stress is a big factor when it comes to protecting your hard-earned sobriety. While you receive addiction therapy with us, you’ll learn how to manage stress and develop coping strategies for stressful situations. A routine is one of them.

A routine helps create expectations while also ensuring that what needs to be done gets done, which can alleviate the frustrations of the day.

3. You’ll Exercise Self-Control

It’s a common misconception among people without a substance use disorder that all it takes is willpower to stop drinking or using substances. It’s a disease that requires support to enable recovery. Self-control is a necessary component of that process, especially in long-term recovery.

Self-control isn’t easy, though. Some research shows that to gain self-control, you need to work on it and practice it routinely, much like building muscle takes consistency. Routines help make that possible.

There are numerous other benefits of establishing a routine, including:

  • Increased productivity during your day
  • Fewer feelings of restlessness
  • Sleep improvement
  • Better physical health
  • Prevention of boredom

No matter why you do it, establishing a routine is a necessary tool in your addiction treatment and recovery. The question is, though, how do you do it? Building a routine isn’t simple or direct, but with the right tools and support, you’ll create a path that empowers you.

How to Develop a Routine in Addiction Recovery

Create an outline of what is beneficial to include in your daily routine as a starting point. In addition to recovery, it’s critical to start with the basics and then build up, adding elements that are important to you.

A routine for those in recovery addiction may include:

  • Set times for going to bed and getting up each day to help ensure you get enough sleep
  • Personal hygiene care can help you create a foundation for the day
  • Create a daily checklist the day before, especially if you have numerous appointments or tasks to accomplish
  • Eat healthy meals you prepare by creating a meal plan for the week, even if it includes simple foods
  • Plan downtime that includes meditation or reflection
  • Go to work and get to recovery meetings on a regular, set schedule
  • Spend time socializing each day

These tasks may seem like quite a few to start with all at once. Avoid that. Instead, create a plan for your day that allows you to build new components to your routine over time. That’s going to give you the ability to navigate and establish a routine at a safe and reliable pace.

Make Recovery a Component of Your Routine

When you seek out addiction treatment in Lubbock, Texas, with us, you’ll learn the importance and benefits of treatment, communication, and support from our team. You’ll benefit from having that connection with people who get it. Keep that going when you’re at home, too.

Make sure you schedule routine appointments with your therapist and recovery meetings. Initially, this may mean daily meetings, but it may also include weekly support as you gain confidence.

Let the Team at The Ranch at Dove Tree Help You

Our professionals can help you establish a dependable routine. Call The Ranch at Dove Tree to learn more about drug and alcohol addiction. Let our team offer guidance on getting started. Contact us 24/7 for help.