7 Relapse Prevention Tips

7 Relapse Prevention Tips, Relapse Prevention Tips

In addiction recovery, we often think of relapse as a bad word or the worst that could happen. It certainly is a challenging part of the recovery process, but it’s a signal that a person needs more care, better resources, or improved support.

If you are at risk of relapsing right now, contact us immediately for help. At The Ranch at Dove Tree, we offer 24-hour guidance to our clients, and we can help you now.

Prevention Is Always the Best Route

Because relapse can happen to anyone (statistics show that about 40 to 60% of people will relapse at least once), our goal is to help you gain confidence in your relapse prevention skills.

7 Relapse Prevention Tips

Here are some of the skills we teach at our professional drug and alcohol addiction treatment program in Texas:

  1. Continue to educate yourself on the signs of relapse

Relapse rarely happens on its own, without any precedent. In most cases, a person will start to feel stressed and challenged in their recovery long before actual relapse occurs. Spotting the changes in your physical and mental health empowers you to prevent relapse. For example, you might notice that you’ve been: 

  • Glamorizing your past drug or alcohol use or thinking positively about it
  • Feeling a sense of hopelessness, even if you don’t say that out loud to anyone
  • Experiencing trouble with your routine, such as having difficulty sleeping or getting up
  • Neglecting your personal hygiene, perhaps because you just don’t feel like it
  • Having intense emotions and mood swings that seem to bubble up from nowhere

When you recognize these signs of relapse in yourself, you’re empowered to take action to correct the situation.

  1. Put self-care first

Sobriety brings a sense of freedom and a desire to move through life in a positive manner, doing everything you missed out on during your addiction. However, becoming too busy might lead to making compromises when it comes to self-care. Make sure that you put self-care first. Focus on your needs by:

  • Eating a balanced diet and skipping fast food
  • Getting physical exercise every day
  • Eating and sleeping on a routine schedule
  • Taking time to relax
  • Meeting your body’s health and nutrient needs
  1. Stay connected to your recovery team

Your recovery team includes not just your therapist, but the local recovery meetings you attend, mentors, and close friends who are ready to help you. Even if you’re feeling great, nurture these relationships. Go to meetings, continue to see your therapist, and spend time having sober fun with your friends.

It’s never wise to try to forget about your time in addiction. Instead, become active in the recovery community so that you are constantly receiving reminders of how strong you are and how important recovery is to you.

  1. Get active in other tasks

Boredom can lead to addiction relapse. Staying connected to people you know and love (who support your sobriety) is one solution but not the only one. Consider getting involved in activities that feel meaningful and fun to you. Join a local club. Start going to the rec league for some basketball. Spend time with your family members. Use video chats to reconnect with long-lost friends.

  1. Know your triggers and stay away from them

Addiction triggers are specific things, people, experiences, and memories that can trigger you to think about or want to use substances. These differ for every person. During your drug and alcohol addiction treatment, you’ll explore these in a safe environment and learn strategies for avoiding them.

Some of the most common steps to take include:

  • Avoiding high stress
  • Identifying locations, people, and events that put you at high risk
  • Staying away from people who continually cause you pain and stress
  1. Engage in calming practices that help you feel relaxed and centered

Consider the importance of supporting not just your body but your mental health. Investing in meditation and mindfulness, for example, can help you focus on the positive energy you need in your life. You may also want to consider yoga for addiction recovery. These strategies help you focus on improving your quality of life and well-being.

  1. Get support when you need it

If you’re overwhelmed and finding it challenging to get through your days without wanting to use substances again, get help from a drug addiction treatment center. Personal relapse prevention strategies are crucial, but sometimes you need professional help. We encourage you to reach out to The Ranch at Dove Tree now to learn more about the support we can offer to you.