The Benefits of Outdoor Therapy and Experiential Care

Outdoor Therapy and Experiential Care, Why Outdoor Therapy Is a Component of Addiction Treatment, The Benefits of Outdoor Therapy and Experiential Care

The alcohol and drug treatment process creates incredible change, helping those who have struggled to find a higher quality of life. Physically, emotionally, and mentally, therapy can help you to become more of the version of yourself that you want to be. Talk therapy can be especially effective when combined with experiential therapy, including outdoor therapy.  

Outdoor experiential therapy requires stepping outside to engage with the world around you, building connections and redefining your mental health. How can outdoor activities promote addiction recovery? Consider the evidence.

What Being Outdoors Does to Your Brain

Spending time outdoors, perhaps hiking, biking, or just sitting in a park, can do amazing things for your brain. Studies indicate that the brain structure changes and your mood improves when you spend more time outdoors. Concentration can improve, too. Researchers know that spending time outdoors impacts the cognitive control portion of the brain, which is where regulation of actions occurs.

Sun exposure is a big part of this, but physical activity and pulling away from digital devices can also help. Being outdoors does not make everything simple, but it does create an outlet, a place to step away from the hard parts of addiction recovery and reconnect to yourself.

Why Outdoor Therapy Is a Component of Addiction Treatment

Outdoor therapy, as a form of experiential care, enables those in treatment to learn about themselves, connect with the wider world around them, and focus on the good. Here are some of the benefits being outdoors can have on addiction recovery.

  • It reduces stress

The more time you spend outdoors, the more your stress levels fall. That’s due to the way the natural setting and exercise work to reduce cortisol levels in the body. Addiction treatment can create numerous instances of high stress. Going for a walk can reduce some of that.

  • It boosts mental health 

Spending time outdoors may provide you with some of the positive boosts you need for your mental health. People who use drugs and alcohol to self-medicate, for example, struggle during treatment because they may not have an outlet for reducing those frustrations or controlling their mood. Yet, being in a natural environment for a few hours of the day helps to provide better regulation of serotonin and other feel-good hormones. That may make it less likely that you turn to substances for relief.

  • It boosts physical health

During alcohol and drug addiction treatment, you may be focused heavily on improving your dependence and mental health, but your body needs to recover as well. When you spend time outdoors, you’re getting exercise and absorbing more of the vitamin D your body needs to remain healthy. This could help to reduce blood pressure, support immune system health, and aid in overall lung function.

What Type of Outdoor Therapy Is Right for You?

Another important component of outdoor therapy is the way it helps you build confidence. Taking on challenges and showing yourself you can do them will make a huge difference. It’s all about finding the type of activity you like and want to do but also one that pushes you a bit. Consider a few ideas:

  • Adventure therapy: Longer hikes, rock climbing, and biking trails can provide a significant amount of challenge and accomplishment.
  • Water sports: Canoeing, kayaking, and whitewater rafting can be intense, but you’ll feel good when you reach the end goal.
  • Camping: Camping can also be a great way to enjoy the outdoors, creating more time for mental health healing. Make sure to include some hiking or other form of exercise to get the best out of it.

If you’re not ready for more adventure just yet, going for longer walks, enjoying horseback riding, taking up a new sport, or just enjoying yoga and meditation outdoors can be life-changing. You do not have to be alone, either. Find people who are also interested in exploring the outdoors to do it with you.

Start Your Adventure at The Ranch at Dove Tree

When the time comes to transform your future, there is no better place to start than where you will get outstanding support and guidance from people who care. Talk to The Ranch at Dove Tree now to find out more about the types of treatment and therapy available to you. Contact us to learn more.