How Can You Pay for Addiction Therapy?

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By Sandy Baker

If you’re suffering from substance abuse, addiction treatment is one of the most important investments you can make into your future. Unfortunately, many people worry about how to pay for treatment–and they might not seek treatment at all, assuming they can’t afford it.

You Have Options

Every situation is different. However, understand that many people can find the level of support they need and the financial resources to help them. When you visit with or speak to our counselors at The Ranch at Dove Tree, we’ll make sure you have the most comprehensive information available about methods for payment and treatment options. Here’s a closer look at what some of your options may be.

Will Insurance Cover Addiction Treatment?

Several laws require insurance companies to provide care for mental health and substance abuse. These include the Americans With Disabilities Act as well as the Affordable Care Act. The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act furthers this same premise.

What does this mean? It means that when you sign up for health insurance, your insurer must provide you with benefits for mental health needs at the same level and coverage amount as you would expect for care for other diseases, such as heart disease or cancer. This does not automatically mean you have coverage, though nearly all policies sold through the Health Marketplace do have some level of mental health care.

What Coverage Level Does Your Insurance Provide?

If you have health insurance, it’s important to learn what coverage level is available to you. Many health insurance companies are now providing you with online access that can outline the care amounts and types available on your policy. You can also contact your insurance agent to gain more insight. You’ll need to look for several things:

  • What type of care is available to you
  • How much care is available to you (what are the maximum amounts of coverage available)
  • What your deductible is
  • Which specific programs and services can be used
  • What limitations apply, if any

What you can expect will vary from one plan to the next. However, some plans will cover most of the care you need. This may include:

  • Coverage for your detoxification if deemed necessary
  • Support for residential treatment care
  • Intensive outpatient treatment care
  • Medications to minimize withdrawal symptoms and cravings
  • Clinic visits for medical needs caused by addiction
  • Counseling on a routine basis

Speak to our counselors at The Ranch at Dove Tree to determine what type of care is best for you. If your insurance company doesn’t cover it, there may be additional solutions available. Wee can help you verify the amount and type of coverage you have and whether we accept it.

What If You Don’t Have Insurance Coverage for Addiction Treatment?

There may be other ways to get the support you need for treatment. Here are some ideas to consider.

Ask for Help from the Facility
It is possible for counselors to help you with payment plans, financial support, as well as sourcing of third-party organizations that may help cover your costs. Reach out to your admissions counselor to learn more about the options available to you.

Ask for Help from Your Family
Family, friends, and sometimes employers may be willing to support your addiction recovery. If they’re willing to help, you might be able to get the support you need without taking on additional debt.

Use Your Retirement Savings
Some types of retirement savings accounts, such as 401(k)s and IRAs allow you to borrow from the funds in an emergency situation or when you have a life-threatening condition.

Is Addiction Treatment Worth Paying For?

First, remember that not everyone needs detox and residential care. If you don’t need the most intensive level of care, drug and alcohol treatment in Lubbock, Texas, can be more affordable than you may believe. Second, this is your life and your future. Addiction is financially draining, too. Why not choose to spend your finances on your health?

The Ranch at Dove Tree is here to help you. Speak to our admissions counselors about the options that may be available to you.

The Fear of Being Sober: It's the Nagging Feeling at the Back of Your Mind - the ranch at dove tree - drug and alcohol treatment center in lubbock, texas

To learn more about our programs at Ranch at Dove Tree, drug and alcohol rehab in Lubbock, please contact us today at 806.307.2003.