What Are “Hard” and “Soft” Drugs?

What Are “Hard” and “Soft” Drugs?

It’s not uncommon to hear terms like “hard drugs” or “soft drugs,” words that imply that one type of drug is less worrisome than another. Soft drugs are thought to be socially acceptable or less of a concern than hard drugs.

Whether a drug is considered hard or soft, all drugs carry the risk of misuse and addiction. Drugs can create negative health impacts that could shorten your lifespan and, in some cases, cause overdose. While there is no safe drug, it can be helpful to know the difference between intensity levels of drugs and how they could impact your overall health.

Which Drugs Are Considered the Most Dangerous?

Drugs that are often labeled “hard” carry a significant risk of overdose, dependency, and addiction. They tend to carry a higher likelihood of physical side effects as well. Most sources would consider the following drugs to be the most risky: 

These drugs (yes, including alcohol) can lead to numerous health risks whether you are using them one time or consistently.

Which Drugs Are Considered Less Dangerous?

Some drugs carry less of a risk for overdose, dependency, and addiction than the ones listed above. However, that does not mean they are safe to use or that they won’t impact your health. All drugs can be dangerous and lead to numerous complications over time. Drugs commonly considered to be safer may include:

However, using any drug consistently or in high doses can create risks to your overall health and well-being. For example, a person who heavily uses marijuana creates a very unhealthy environment for their body that can lead to physical and psychological dependency. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that 3 in 10 people who use marijuana have a marijuana use disorder. Why does this happen?

Not everyone using marijuana develops dependency. Some factors that may contribute to the development of marijuana use disorder include:

  • Using it on a consistent basis
  • Increasing dosage over time
  • Using substances to manage emotional health complications
  • Mixing substances together

Those who have developed marijuana dependency will feel withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop using it. If you think you or a loved one has a marijuana use disorder, our Texas rehab offers marijuana addiction treatment.

Nicotine is also dangerous, even though it is often used heavily by those who are in recovery from other drugs. We’ve all been exposed to enough non-smoking campaigns to know that the health risks can be deadly

And psychoactive drugs (LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, etc.), even though they’re generally considered non-addictive, can lead to psychological dependency and contribute to mental health disorders

It can be somewhat difficult to pinpoint when dependency forms with ”softer” drugs. However, some common signs that now is the time to get help include:

  • Craving the drug when not using it
  • Trying to stop using it but failing to do so
  • Needing to use more of the substance to get the same high
  • Using substances recklessly, such as while driving a car or at work
  • Use is impacting relationships

If you believe you have an addiction or dependence on any type of substance, it’s time to get help so you can reclaim your life. 

Let The Ranch at Dove Tree Help You

Our alcohol and drug treatment center in Lubbock, Texas, is committed to providing you with exceptional care and attention to your needs. If you’re not sure whether you’re facing addiction, let us provide a free, confidential assessment. Contact us now