Family Program for Addiction Recovery in Texas

The Family Recovery Program at the Ranch at Dove Tree has been helping to encourage individual and family recovery since 2006. Our focus is to integrate good clinical wisdom and professional experience with cutting-edge recovery research. We have published our family program three times in peer-reviewed professional journals and have regularly adjusted the programming based on our findings.

Family Recovery Program: Bringing Families Together

Addiction is a family disease, and as such, all members of a family system are at risk to be impacted negatively. Despite the negative impact, we know that family makes a difference in the trajectory and success of their loved one’s recovery. Bringing families and their loved ones together begins the process of recovery and can facilitate necessary change. These changes include:

  1. Understanding the disease of addiction
  2. Repairing and healing relationships
  3. Establishing and better understanding of boundaries
  4. Restoring intimacy, connection, and communication
  5. Redefining healthy family roles
  6. Creating a context for client and family member recovery and wellness

Healing for the Whole Family

In the process of recovery, families are often forgotten and fall through the cracks. Family members want to be helpful and are so important to the process but are often unsure of what to do and how to offer help. Our program was designed from the beginning to be inclusive of family members, help them understand what they might do to aid in their loved one’s struggle, allow them to have input and share their pain, and to extend a level of care and empathy often missing for those members of a family who suffer on the outside looking in.

Support groups for families of individuals in recovery can be invaluable sources of guidance, understanding, and emotional support. These groups provide a safe space for family members to share their experiences, learn from others, and develop coping strategies. Here are some well-known support groups for families of individuals in recovery:

  1. Al-Anon: Al-Anon is a worldwide organization that provides support to family and friends of individuals struggling with alcohol addiction. They follow a 12-step program that helps participants cope with the challenges of having an addicted loved one.
  2. Nar-Anon: Nar-Anon is a sister organization to Al-Anon and offers support to those affected by someone’s drug addiction, particularly focusing on narcotics. They provide a structured program to help family members and friends understand and deal with addiction.
  3. Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA): ACA is a recovery program for adult children of alcoholics and other family dysfunction. It aims to help participants recover from the effects of growing up in a dysfunctional family and offers tools for self-improvement.
  4. PAL (Parents of Addicted Loved Ones): PAL is a support group specifically designed for parents who have children struggling with substance abuse. It offers education, support, and a platform for sharing experiences.
  5. GRASP (Grief Recovery After a Substance Passing): GRASP is a support group for individuals who have lost a loved one due to substance abuse or addiction. It provides a safe space to grieve and heal with others who have experienced similar losses.

Articles on Family Recovery:

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