Recovery Success Stories: Mechie Scherpereel

Mechie Scherpereel, Recovery Success Stories

I am a cocaine addict and my name is Mechie.

I say it that way because without knowing what I am, I will never know who I am. December 11, 2010, is my God-given sobriety date and this is my story.

I’ve heard many people say, “I was just not ready for the message.” After many vain attempts and failures, I finally saw just what this meant. Desperation creates willingness and, at the time, I was not willing to do “whatever it takes”…until I went to Dove Tree.

Two weeks before entering Dove Tree, I was charged with drug possession. I had just dropped out of college for the third time and I had little hope left of getting my life back together. At the same time, I found out I was going to be a father.

To say that I came in to recovery with guilt, shame, and remorse would be an understatement. On my fourth day at Dove Tree, I packed all my stuff in a sheet and ran away down a dirt field in Lubbock. I have always been a runner. I was running not only from the fear of the unknown, but from my past. I did not know who I was and I could not see myself making it. I was chased down by two staff members who ended up being my best friends in life. They knew what I was doing because they themselves had done the same.

They asked me the most pivotal question I had ever faced: what are you running from? For the first time in my life, I broke down and surrendered to doing whatever it took.

Returning to Dove Tree, I worked extensively with some of the best counselors and people I have ever met. They believed in me and helped me learn how to love myself. They introduced me to two topics that drive me to this day: PURPOSE and IDENTITY. They taught me about the disease of addiction and that using was only a symptom of it.

Everything, for once in my life, clicked! I had accepted being an addict and was freed.

I listened to staff recommendations and went to sober living. Through the help of Karmen Adkins, the clinical director, I was able to attend school again. It was my purpose and identity that had been missing the whole time!

I am now able to be a present father in my child’s life–she has never seen the old me on drugs. Thanks to God and Dove Tree, I earned both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Texas Tech and I now work at the place that saved my life and commit every day to helping others.


Mechie Scherpereel is the alumni coordinator at Ranch at Dove Tree.

the ranch at dove tree - drug and alcohol treatment center in lubbock, texas

To learn more about our programs at Ranch at Dove Tree, please contact us today at 806.307.2003.

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